Report a Bug

If you encounter a bug or technical issue while using Meazy, here's how you can report it:

  1. Go to the Home Page: Start by navigating to the home page of the Meazy app.
  2. Access the Side Menu: Swipe from the left side of the screen to the right or tap your profile picture to open the side menu.
  3. Tap on Settings: In the side menu, scroll down and tap "Settings" .
  4. Navigate to the Support Area: Within the settings, locate and tap "Report a Bug" in the "Support and Feedback" section.
  5. Fill out the report: Provide a title for your report, describe the current behavior and the expected behavior, and specify the device (Apple or Android) on which the bug is occurring.
  6. Submit the report: After filling out all the necessary information, tap the submit button to send your report.

What Happens Next

Your bug report will be sent to our technical team, who will investigate the issue. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve the Meazy experience for everyone.